
Tanzania Climate Statements 2022


The impact of climate change and variability are increasingly becoming widespread with devastating socioeconomic and ecological implications across the world. The impacts are uneven across the world, region, country, and even within a single community. Every year, the Tanzania Meteorological Authority (TMA) conducts robust and comprehensive climate analysis and provides an authoritative statement on the status of Tanzania’s climate.

The climate statement serves as a tool for climate monitoring and assessment of the state of the earth’s climate in near real-time at national scale. In addition, it provides science based information and knowledge on observed climate trends to decision-makers for informed decision making in planning and implementation of various socio-economic activities including in climate change mitigation and adaptation.

TMA continues to monitor and document weather and climate patterns and the associated extremes that is critical for understanding the dynamic of climate variability and change in the country. This information is kept available to the public, the government, policy and decision-makers, academia, the scientific and research communities, and planning agencies in and outside the country.